My own craziness, Updates

A few changes…

I’ve decided to make a few changes regarding my upcoming books (and a few that are already out). The first being the covers:

Red Beauty

Red Beauty

Red Beauty


Red Beauty


There were a few reasons for the change, but the biggest is that I’m known for faceless ladies with large or elegant dresses. Also, kind of like each of my Groom Series, this takes a lady and puts her in a similar dress or in a scene from the book.

With the Groom Series, I tried to make the coves tie in like this:

Sudden: Caroline had blue eyes and wore a silver dress at her wedding.

Reluctant: Emma had to be party to that miserable musicale they put on for Drake (it’s a stretch, but the piano does work… Plus, the girls banged on it enough to give them all a headache and bribe them to stop).

Secondhand: This is the biggest symbol as Juliet wore a green dress with green gloves the night when Drake finally “saw” her and realized she was more than just a simple miss from the village.

Imperfect: I think she wore a similar gown at her wedding, too.

With this set:

Contract: In a literal sense, Edward had her positioned near the window to do her embroidery or whatnot, but in a figurative sense, she was trapped in a room with windows, waiting for the right person (Edward) to let her out and get to experience life herself.

Yankee: The blue writing and dress, and the endless field is how I imagine the indigo plantation in South Carolina might have looked.

Jilted: You’ll just have to wait! Oh, all right, she might be sitting on a settee in a flowery wallpapered room during what might be a critical part of the book, but that’s all I’m saying…

Brother’s: There’s a cottage and that’s all that needs to be known!

There was another reason for the changes and quite simply I just couldn’t imagine Elijah and Henry’s heroines blonde.

Anyway, it was with a lot of thought (and possibly irritation on the part of those whose opinions I solicited), that I decided to make the change. I do apologize to anyone who had their hearts set on one of the former covers, but I think these are for the best.

Also…there will be a slight change coming to the short description for His Jilted Bride. I thought it would go a certain way, but in the last 1/3 of the book, Elijah and Amelia pulled one over on me so the blurb will change marginally. I’ll post the updated blurb here and on my website in the next day or two.

Thanks to all of those Debs who helped me with my cover model dilemma!


22 thoughts on “A few changes…”

  1. Hi Rose!

    I love all your new covers but my favorite is His Yankee Bride! My husband and I just got home from a visit to South Carolina to visit my younger son and his family and not only is the cover just how I always imagined the “belles of the south” but I love the dress so much I want one just like it!

    I’d love to see what dress you would come up with for a dowager like me!

    1. Thank you, Jeanne!

      I love Carolina’s dress, too. You’re not a dowager! But I’m sure if you were one who was looking for love, we’d find the perfect cover. Or my friend Ava Stone, rather.

  2. I so glad you finally have covers you can like. They are very beautiful. It’s nice to see Contract’s cover, I think that is the only one I didn’t get to see before, maybe that is because you were happy with that one from the start of your project.
    So what happens to our e-book versions? Does the cover change or does it stay the same? I don’t care either way but was just curious.

    1. I’d found that image for Regina like a year or so ago–right after I finished with Imperfect and I wanted to use it for her then, but decided to hire someone else to do my covers because I’m terrible at it. Anyway, as we were sifting through pictures, on a whim, I decided to send that over to my friend Ava Stone who was doing them for me and it was decided right then: That’s Regina! It just fits her.

      Good question about the eBooks. I don’t know. I don’t know if it’ll automatically update on your device or if you can go to your “library” and delete them and redownload the book. I know any new downloads will have the current image. But I don’t know if it’ll automatically update or not. Sorry!

  3. The covers look great… They really catch the eye! I love, love, love Contract’s cover. I can picture Regina wearing it. I love the color choices and I can see how each cover fits with the book. Gods decision to change them.

    1. I thought of Regina the first time I saw that outfit, but like I said a few comments down, I just bought the image and held onto, thinking I probably was the only one who liked it.

      They do all fit with their books, and at the she time, they match the older ones. I’m in love…

      Thanks for letting me pester you with mockups.

  4. I know this is old news, but I just wanted to say that I’m really glad you changed the covers. The ones you had not only didn’t feel like you, but they just didn’t flow as well together as your other series 🙂 Love the covers, love the books, that’s all!

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